  • 解釈:本心を言うと友はできない。本性を現わすと、友に信用されない。
  • Literal:I lose a friend to tell the truth. (bullying)
  • Interpretation:I cannot make the friend to tell the real intention. I am not trusted by a friend when I show the true character.

  • 何故なら、この真実は、パラダイム(規範)の真実ではなく、本性の真実だからだ。
    Because my truth is the truth of my true character, not the truth of the paradigm (= moral, norm, rule).

    The truth must be the thing along the paradigm in accordance with the social thought philosophy (religion and political system) concerned. Other truth is not recognized as the truth.
    "The society of this case concerned" is each between mother and the child interval; between parent and child interval; home; relative; the neighborhood; the district; cities, towns and villages; the nation; the world.
    I am left out when I show my pride (for example, the correct answer of the test; higher championships in the meeting) in front of classmates. In other words, I get bullied by classmates.
    Or I am bullied by classmates when I am so inferior from classmates.

    Therefore, it must do readiness (determination) in its own way to tell the truth.
    The determination will be to show constant effort and good faith.
  • Category:My saying
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GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.